
The World Changer and History Maker Speak-A-Thon Returns with Angelica on April 7th


SPEAKERS: Khiaria Teachey, Elegance Godschild Franklin, Yaz Bradley, Kimberly Norton, Jessica Gainer , Dr. JA O'Rourke, Helen Hicks, Joyce Crosby, Darlene Leak, Danielle Denton

Date: Sunday, April 7th
Time: 3pm EST
Location: Facebook LIVE w/
Angelica Norton

Phillip O'Rourke LLC, in collaboration with The PHILLIP Show, is proud to announce its continued partnership in presenting the World Changers & History Makers Speak-A-Thon, spearheaded by the esteemed Angelica Norton.

The Speak-A-Thon, curated by Angelica Norton, is a platform dedicated to amplifying the voices of individuals who are making significant impacts in their respective fields. It serves as a stage for these World Changers and History Makers to share their experiences, insights, and wisdom with an eager audience.

One of the key missions of the Speak-A-Thon is to promote inspiration and empowerment across diverse disciplines. From seasoned speakers who return to the platform to share their ongoing journey of impact to fresh voices welcomed each month, the event offers a dynamic range of perspectives and ideas.

Host Angelica Norton, a trailblazer in her own right, also extends her reach into the realm of inspiration with her series, "Wake Up Your Millions." In this series, Norton conducts insightful interviews with entrepreneurs from various backgrounds, providing them with a platform to showcase their expertise and offer invaluable success recommendations.

The collaboration between Phillip O'Rourke LLC, The PHILLIP Show, and Angelica Norton exemplifies a shared commitment to fostering positive change and uplifting voices that can inspire audiences worldwide. Through initiatives like the World Changers & History Makers Speak-A-Thon, they create a ripple effect of empowerment, encouraging individuals to pursue their dreams and make a difference in their communities and beyond.

As the Speak-A-Thon continues to evolve and attract a growing audience, it promises to remain a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the stories and insights of those who are shaping the world for the better.


Embrace Your Unique Gifts: Speaker Jermaine's Inspiring Journey Revealed


In a world often clouded by doubt and uncertainty, finding one's passion can feel like navigating through a labyrinth without a map. Yet, in a recent interview on The PHILLIP Show with Phillip O'Rourke, Speaker Jermaine illuminated the path to discovering and embracing our true callings. With an inspirational voice, he emphasized that living a purposeful life knows no deadline, and there is ample time for everyone to unearth their unique expression in this world.

Speaker Jermaine is an Entrepreneur, Speaker, Author and Health Coach. He is also the Founder and CEO of Harmony Herb Company and 3 Idea Publishing Company, the Co-founder of New BLK Wallstreet.

One of the pivotal questions discussed was why authenticity seems to elude many individuals. Speaker Jermaine proposed that fear often serves as the chief obstacle, constraining people from fully embracing who they are meant to be. He underscored the importance of addressing the root cause of this fear, which often revolves around mastering the intricacies of the prevailing money system. By dismantling these barriers, individuals can liberate themselves to live authentically and pursue their passions unabashedly.

For those grappling with the dilemma of having multiple talents and interests, Speaker Jermaine offered sage advice: follow your passions and gifts unreservedly. He emphasized the significance of defining success on one's own terms, rather than succumbing to societal pressures or external expectations. True fulfillment, he asserted, lies in aligning one's pursuits with their innate calling, irrespective of how it may be perceived by others.

Reflecting on his own journey, Speaker Jermaine recounted growing up with a profound awareness of his unique gift. This gift, he emphasized, served as his passport to prosperity, guiding him towards his purpose and igniting a flame of passion within him. He urged listeners to heed the whispers of their own passions, for therein lies the key to unlocking their fullest potential.

In the realm of justice, conflict, and activism, Speaker Jermaine urged listeners to persevere and remain motivated. Despite the inevitable challenges and setbacks, he encouraged individuals not to grow weary but to take control of their situations and forge opportunities. Unity Consciousness, he asserted, holds the power to effect profound change, reminding us that we are the architects of our destiny.

Concluding on a poignant note, Speaker Jermaine emphasized the importance of intentionality in all aspects of life—time, space, and peace. By being intentional about our choices and actions, we can cultivate a life rich in meaning and purpose. In the end, he implored listeners to embrace their uniqueness and believe in their capacity to make a difference, for therein lies the essence of living a truly fulfilling life.


1. What fears or societal pressures have held you back from fully embracing your authenticity and pursuing your passions?

2. How can you redefine success on your own terms, aligning it with your unique gifts and passions rather than external expectations?

3. In what ways can you cultivate intentionality in your daily life to foster a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment?

The Force Behind a Powerful Mindset with Kyoto Perry


“Everything comes from a mindset.” - Kyoto Perry

When life presents us with challenges, it's our ability to grow, support others, and embrace our true selves that truly defines us. Kyoto Perry, our guest on The PHILLIP Show, is a living testament to this. Having overcome a life-altering car accident, Kyoto transformed her trajectory and now shares her expertise as a mindset and mindfulness coach, helping others unlock their inner strength.

Discovering the Power of Mindset

In our inspiring interview with Kyoto Perry, the importance of authenticity and identity in achieving success shines brightly. As a proponent of manifestation, Kyoto sheds light on the misconceptions surrounding beliefs and how our minds can sometimes hinder our potential for greatness. From the moment we wake up to the way we navigate through each day, our thoughts have the power to shape our reality.

Kyoto shared her journey of awakening, which initiated a path of healing and self-discovery that continues to this day. Her revelations about the connection between our thoughts and the world we manifest have profound implications. Through meditation and mindfulness, she found that the more peaceful and calm her mind became, the more harmonious her external environment followed suit.

Embracing Authenticity and Identity

Kyoto Perry's work, whether through Tarot Card Readings or one-on-one consultations in Yellow Springs, Ohio, is grounded in the belief that every individual possesses a unique power within their mindset. Her message is clear: embrace authenticity, understand your identity, and unlock the potential that resides within you.

I had an awakening experience that sent me on a journey of healing and learning myself, which continues today. I learned that from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, what manifests starts with your thoughts. I understood this more and more as I learned to meditate and practice mindfulness. The more calm and at peace my mind became, the more peaceful my environment. -K. Perry

Key Takeaways from the Episode:

1. Taking Time to Discover You and Raising Your Vibrations: Kyoto emphasizes the significance of self-discovery and raising your energetic frequency to manifest success.

2. Waking Up on the Wrong Side of the Bed: Is it possible to change our mindset and mood when we start our day on the wrong foot? Kyoto explores this intriguing question.

3. Deliberately Shaping Your Mindset: Kyoto shares valuable insights on how we can intentionally shape our mindset to manifest our goals and dreams.

4. The Misconception of Manifestation: Kyoto challenges us to question why we believe what we believe about manifestation, shedding light on common misconceptions that may be holding us back.

Challenge Questions for You:

1. How can you begin your journey of self-discovery and embrace your authentic self today?

2. What practices can you incorporate into your morning routine to ensure a positive start to your day?

3. How can you intentionally shape your mindset to manifest the success you desire in your life?

We invite you to share your thoughts and insights in the comments section below. Join our online community by subscribing to eNews to stay connected and be part of our journey toward authenticity, identity, and the transformative power of the mind. Be you, be inspired, and unlock your potential for success and manifestation.

Hip-Hop Artist Tronee Threat with Trials, Tribulation, and Redemption

Tronee Threat opens up about his new music, his journey from incarceration to inspirational artist, and how his passion for music motivates him to move forward.


1. Determining your own destiny
2. Growing through challenges
3. The power of your story GET SOCIAL

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Parker Scott - Following Your Passion Part 2

Part 2 with Parker Scott we dive into women in the workplace, and assumptions that people have regarding Los Angeles. This 2nd generation professional costumer is making her mark in the industry in a powerful way. From model to actor, to comedian, Parker Scott is made for entertainment and knows her way around the business, the sets, and how to navigate as a strong woman professional.

1. Navigating Los Angeles
2. What really happens in the wardrobe trailer?
3. How to maintain your drive and passion.

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Terry Moorer on Making Your Mark Despite Circumstances

Terry Moorer is a Music Business Coach, and Disability Speaker. With over 20 years in the entertainment industry, he shares his experiences of finding success while living with cerebral palsy and imparts his vast knowledge as an entrepreneur, and coach through speaking, courses, and authoring several books.

Along with business partner, legendary hip hop artist, MC Lyte, Terry Moorer launched - a membership website that teaches aspiring artists about the music industry. He has written two books, How to Launch Your Music Career in 21 Days and Fearless Dreams, and How a Disabled Kid from Brooklyn Lived his Dream in the Entertainment Business. Terry also teaches you the benefits of remaining protected by Legal Shield.

1. Living a Full Life with a Disability
2. Record Deal or Independent Artist? Which is better?
3. Staying Motivated

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Vincent R. Brown On Loving Who You Are

Counselor, LGBTQIA+ Advocate & Pastor Vincent R. Brown shares how being intentional with our voice can make a big difference. Working with people from all walks of life, he talks about his call to a unique ministry, and how acceptance plays a role in all of our opportunities.

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Donna Haller and the Village Impact Project

The Village Impact Project (VIP) provides children of Yellow Springs with responsible mentors from within the community who share their interests. The motto: Changing our community two people at a time.

To sign up as a mentor, give, or register a VIP, visit today.

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