Black History Month

Reunion: Journey with Ancestors with Charles W. Fox

SPECIAL EDITION: Airing Wednesday @ 8:30pm.

Reunion: Journey with Ancestors with Charles W. Fox

We are taking time out in Black History Month to explore the profound significance of storytelling, recognizing the power of media and the absolute need for accurate information. It is crucial to acknowledge that people are deeply impacted by the stories of others, and every narrative should be welcomed and shared. During this month of reflection, it becomes even more essential to comprehend the struggles, victories, and ongoing journey that collectively shape our history.

Enter "Reunion: Journey with the Ancestors" by Charles W. Fox, a theatrical performance that invites the audience into the transparent and authentic narrative of real-life conversations with departed ancestors and other taboo topics integral to Fox's personal journey. In doing so, Fox sheds light on the importance of embracing diverse stories, recognizing that each individual's experience contributes to the rich tapestry of humanity.

Visiting The PHILLIP Show and sitting down with host, Phillip O’Rourke, Charles W. Fox and producer John Fleming speak to the concept that created this work, and the impact that presentations such of these can have on individuals, communities, and nations.


Charles W. Fox is a transformative change agent and visionary leader, renowned for his outstanding leadership, programming initiatives, and staff development skills. His contributions have been acknowledged with prestigious awards such as the Emmy, Cine Eagle, Angel, and the International Bureau for Broadcasting's Meritorious Honor Award.

With a career spanning over 30 years, Fox has been a driving force in the creation, production, and leadership of award-winning TV cultural programming. His impact extends across major networks, including ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR, PBS, and WORLDNET TV networks and affiliates. Fox's dedication to crafting compelling content has left an indelible mark on the media landscape, solidifying his reputation as a trailblazer in the industry.

He currently serves the Broadcast Manager at the historic Central State University radio station: WCSU.

During the time together, Producer John Fleming emphasizes the transformative power of Charles Fox's story, noting how it prompted him to reflect on his own narrative and discover potential commonalities. It is a testament to the unifying force of storytelling, encouraging us to look beyond our differences and recognize the shared threads that connect us all. In a world where diversity is paramount, we must understand that humanity is multi-dimensional and textured, shaped by the myriad stories that make us who we are.

This is a unique opportunity to celebrate our shared humanity.

the public is cordially invited to "An Evening With Charles Fox," a collaboration with media artist Elias Kelley and director John Fleming. Set to take place on February 10 at 7 p.m., this event promises to be a captivating exploration of stories, diversity, and shared experiences at the Paul Robeson Cultural and Performing Arts Center in Wilberforce, Ohio (1400 Brush Row, Wilberforce, Ohio 45384).

For more information, feel free to reach out to

This event is free to the public and donations will be taken at the door.
Attendees will also have the opportunity to step in front of the camera and share their stories.

As we celebrate Black History Month, let's reflect on the following questions:

  1. How can embracing diverse stories, like those shared by Charles W. Fox, contribute to a more inclusive understanding of history and culture?

  2. In what ways does the transformative power of storytelling, as highlighted in Fox's narrative, inspire us to explore our own stories and connections with the past?

  3. Considering the impact of Fox's work on major networks, how can we support and promote more opportunities for underrepresented voices in the media industry?

These thoughtful questions encourage us to delve deeper into the significance of diverse narratives, the transformative nature of storytelling, and the ongoing efforts needed for greater representation in media. As we continue to honor Black History Month, let's carry these reflections forward, fostering a culture that celebrates and learns from the richness of our collective stories.

The Seats - Gamifying Civic Engagement with Darrick Gore and Jared Jackson

The Seats - Gamifying Civic Engagement with Darrick Gore and Jared Jackson

In a world where community and politics play an integral role in our daily lives, the timing couldn't be more perfect for an app that brings people closer to the heart of democracy in a meaningful and engaging way. Enter The Seats, a revolutionary Civic Engagement App brought to you by The Seats Foundation Incorporated - A Non-Profit Entity, and created by Darrick Gore and Jared Jackson. Show host Phillip O’Rourke, had opportunity to sit down with them and delve into the app's unique features that make it stand out in the crowded app landscape, as well as discuss how such a meaningful and impactful project inspired these young African American entrepreneurs to action.

One of the key aspects that make The Seats a game-changer is its focus on combating misinformation and providing a platform for community representatives to interact directly with the public. As a non-profit organization, trust is their top priority, and this app is poised to transform how people access the civic process. The timing couldn't be more critical, especially in an era where truth and trust are increasingly being challenged.

In the vast sea of available apps, The Seats distinguishes itself with its engaging nature, leveraging custom AI to make users feel like they're part of a political rally right in the palms of their hands. The app's ability to answer questions directly adds an interactive element that sets it apart from the competition.

Especially relevant during Black History Month, The Seats emerges as a tool for amplifying the voices of those often unheard. This app not only connects individuals to the democratic process but also acts as a beacon of hope for impoverished communities, as well as those communities seeking to break free from systemic challenges. The transformative impact of this trailblazing app seeks to extend beyond technology, aligning seamlessly with the spirit of unity, and equality by empowering communities to actively shape their future.


It's not just another app.

it's a dynamic and immersive experience that bridges the gap between citizens and their civic responsibilities.

More people care about our democracy than the media lets on.
— Darrick Gore, President of The Seats Foundation Incorporated


Darrick Gors | Linked In >>>
Founder and President of
The Seats
Foundation Incorporated

Jared Jackson | Linked In
Board of Directors - IT Director

Connect with Jared Jackson on

The inspiring creators have identified a common challenge – the lack of engagement in the details of the voting process. With The Seats, they aim to address this issue head-on by focusing on three critical points: privacy, gamification, and interactivity. Users can feel confident that their privacy is protected, while the gamification aspect adds a layer of excitement and incentives for active participation. The app becomes a tool that not only informs but also makes the civic process enjoyable.

As we navigate through times where the integrity of information is under scrutiny, The Seats introduces mitigating factors that foster honest civic engagement. A significant portion of the app's information comes directly from participating community leaders, instilling a sense of authenticity and reliability. In an era where trust in information is paramount, The Seats emerges as a beacon of transparency and truth.

The Seats is not just an app; it's a transformative force that brings democracy to the fingertips of every user. With its engaging features, commitment to privacy, and emphasis on community-driven information, Darrick Gore and Jared Jackson, with your help, are creating more than an app; they’re creating a platform that empowers individuals to actively participate in the democratic process, fostering a stronger and more informed society.

Challenge Questions For You

  1. 💭 Challenge: When was the last time you actively engaged with your local community or political events? Consider how The Seats could transform your involvement and make a positive impact on your civic participation.

  2. 💡 Reflect on your current knowledge about the political process. How might The Seats' direct interaction and information from community leaders enhance your understanding and empower you to make more informed decisions?

  3. 🌐 In a world saturated with information, how do you verify the authenticity of the civic information you come across? Explore how The Seats' commitment to trust and reliance on community leaders could reshape your approach to staying well-informed and engaged.

Get ready to revolutionize how you engage with politics - The Seats is here to make it happen.

Be a part of the conversation. 💬 Drop your insights, reactions, or questions below! How do you envision this app impacting YOUR involvement in community and politics? Let's spark a conversation and shape the future together! 🔥🗣️ #TheSeatsDiscussion #CivicEngagementChat

Finding Your Courage with Host Phillip O'Rourke

Finding Your Courage with Host Phillip O'Rourke

In the quest for personal growth and empowerment, The Phillip Show host Phillip O'Rourke shares valuable insights on finding courage. As we navigate our own spheres of influence, we encounter choices, challenges, and opportunities that require a courageous mindset. Let's reflect on the key takeaways from the article and consider three thoughtful questions for self-exploration:

What choices will we make in our own sphere of influence?

The article emphasizes that people tend to embrace change that they can control. Reflect on your sphere of influence—whether it's in your personal life, career, or relationships. What choices can you make to instigate positive change and growth within your sphere of influence? How can you proactively navigate challenges and opportunities with courage?

How does Justice Show Up to you?

The concept of justice is explored, suggesting that integrity requires courage. Consider your own understanding of justice. What does justice look like to you in your personal and professional life? How can you embody integrity with courage, ensuring that justice is not just an abstract concept but a lived reality in your actions and decisions?

Grab your coffee and get the mug HERE >>>

Are you comfortable being different? Why is it so hard to speak up?

The article raises the question of comfort with being different and the challenges of speaking up. Reflect on your own experiences—do you find comfort in embracing your uniqueness, or do you struggle with conformity? Why is it challenging for many to speak up, and what internal barriers need to be overcome to find the courage to express your thoughts and convictions?

In addition to these questions, Phillip outlines five ways to show courage in your sphere of influence. Consider these as practical strategies to implement courage in your daily life:

The 5 ways to show courage in your sphere of influence

Courage can manifest in various ways depending on the context, but here are five general ways you can demonstrate courage within your sphere of influence:

  • Speaking up for what is right: Stand up for your principles and values, even when it's challenging or unpopular. This might involve advocating for ethical behavior, voicing concerns about an unjust situation, or challenging a decision that goes against your beliefs.

  • Admitting mistakes and learning from them: Acknowledge when you're wrong or when you've made a mistake. It takes courage to admit fault, but doing so allows for personal growth and helps build trust with others. Be open to feedback and use setbacks as opportunities for improvement.

  • Empowering others: Courage is not just about personal actions; it's also about empowering those around you. Encourage your colleagues or team members to share their ideas, take on challenges, and express their opinions. Creating an environment where everyone feels heard and valued requires courage.

  • Resilience in the face of adversity: Life is filled with challenges, setbacks, and obstacles. Demonstrating courage means facing adversity with resilience. Instead of giving in to fear or despair, maintain a positive outlook, adapt to changes, and persevere through difficult times. This resilience can inspire others and create a more positive atmosphere within your sphere of influence.

  • Taking calculated risks: Courage often involves stepping outside your comfort zone. Assess the situation, weigh the potential outcomes, and be willing to take risks when the potential benefits outweigh the drawbacks. This could be launching a new initiative, proposing a creative solution, or pursuing an opportunity despite uncertainty.

By pondering these questions and incorporating the suggested strategies, you can embark on a journey to discover and strengthen your own courage, ultimately contributing to positive change in your sphere of influence. Share your insights and feedback below, and help share the inspiration forward.