
Recovery and Harm Reduction with Colton Holley-Wolf

Sitting down with host Phillip O’Rourke on The PHILLIP Show, Colton Holly-Wolf shared his inspiring journey from a place of struggle to becoming a passionate advocate for harm reduction practices. His story not only highlights the transformative power of compassion but also underscores the importance of understanding and support for individuals facing substance use disorders.

Colton's journey began in the depths of addiction, where he found himself isolated and struggling to find a way out. However, through perseverance and a relentless pursuit of healing, he found his way to harm reduction practices that offered a beacon of hope for others. It was through this journey that he realized the profound impact harm reduction could have on individuals seeking recovery.

Colton's personal transformation fueled his desire to advocate for harm reduction within the community. Recognizing the stigma and barriers that often accompany substance use disorders, he became compelled to be a voice for change. His advocacy is driven by a deep sense of empathy and a belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.

Connect with Colton: Instagram | Facebook

Harm reduction strategies, such as safer injecting practices and syringe service programs, play a crucial role in supporting individuals struggling with substance use disorders. Contrary to common misconceptions, these strategies do not enable or condone substance abuse but rather prioritize the health and safety of individuals. By providing access to resources and support, harm reduction can empower individuals to make informed choices and take steps towards recovery.

Education serves as a cornerstone of harm reduction success. By dispelling myths and providing accurate information, communities can foster understanding and empathy towards individuals facing substance use disorders. Through education, stigma can be dismantled, and support networks can be strengthened, paving the way for effective harm reduction initiatives.

As someone who has experienced the challenges of substance abuse firsthand, Colton emphasizes the critical need for readily available services. Reflecting on his own journey, he recognizes the profound impact these services could have had if they were more accessible. By providing support and resources, harm reduction services can offer a lifeline to individuals in need, guiding them towards healing and recovery.

For those seeking to learn more about harm reduction, Colton recommends turning to a variety of resources available through local health departments, recovery programs, and peer support networks. These resources offer valuable information, guidance, and community for individuals interested in advocating for harm reduction and supporting those in need.

Colton Holly-Wolf's journey serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of empathy, understanding, and support. Through his advocacy for harm reduction, he continues to inspire hope and change, reminding us all of the importance of embracing compassion in the journey towards healing and recovery.


1. How can we as individuals and communities cultivate a greater sense of empathy and understanding towards those facing substance use disorders?

2. What steps can we take to dismantle the stigma surrounding harm reduction practices and promote acceptance and support for individuals seeking recovery?

3. In what ways can we advocate for increased accessibility and availability of harm reduction services in our local communities?

Shaun Craig and A Healing Road to Recovery

Shaun Craig is dynamic. His story is one of tragedy to triumph that motivates and encourages. From a troubled past to struggling with addiction, this successful businessman shares his story and perspective on how making it through. With his wife as a major support system, Shaun opens up about living in a small community while suffering from addiction and finding his way to freedom through the support (among other things) of that same community.

1. Identifying when you need help
2. Understanding that support matters
3. A community's responsibility

👉 Instagram:

Will Kitchen with Balance & Diversity in a “Now” Life

Mental Health Professional, Pastor, Father, Musician, and Executive Director Will Kitchen speaks about navigating life during these uncertain times. From COVID, to diversity, to addiction, to family, Will sheds light on ways that help him stay grounded amidst all of the voices of today.

If you, or someone you know struggles with addiction or any life-controlling issue, you are not alone. Call (855)-934-4673 TODAY!

👉 FB:
👉 IG:

Adrienne - The Creator of Sober Black Society

What does a sober life look like? How do you do it, and where can you find out? Adrienne of #SoberBlackSociety opens up about her journey, and how it has impacted her life. From the loss of friends to a newly found life experience, she explains the purpose of her sober embracing platform, and how people are finding community through Instagram content. 🔷 SoberBlackSociety - An alternative lifestyle for AF (alcohol-free) living - for the sober and sober curious community. Here, you are SEEN, ENCOURAGED, and SUPPORTED.”

👉 IG:

Jeff Rollins - Confidence, Acting and the Future

From identity rehab, to the big screen, Jeff Rollins leads us on a journey that placed him face to face with himself - and the TRUE Jeff won! Hear how the doors opened for him when he moved past his fear and was simply “himself.”

This show is in partnership with #YSPride2021
👉 :


Mike Hawk | Turning Struggles Into Strength

Mike Hawk sits down and shares his LGBTQ+ journey, and how it led to the addition, recovery, and now positioned him to help others as a Chemical Dependency Counselor. He is also a featured speaker at the 2021 Yellow Springs Pride event.

If someone is struggling with addiction, here are some resources:
👉 MedMark:
👉 AA:

This show is in partnership with #YSPride2021